The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71796   Message #1232174
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
23-Jul-04 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Peace President
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
Lets look at how the last 40 years of presidents have been remembered.

Kennedy- Camelot- or came a lot.    Great looks and wit. Bay of Pigs.
         Assasanated.   Lowered taxes. Fought Communism.

Johnson- Great Society- (a trillion dollar waste) Vietnam-forced
          him not to run again.

Nixon-   Watergate- resigned in disgrace. Great foreign policy-
         opened dialog with China.   "I am not a crook" "Tricky Dick"

Ford-    Chevy Chase impression on Saturday Night live

Carter- Misery- high unemployment, high inflation, high interest rate
         sitting in sweater telling us to turn down heat.   long gas
         lines, iran hostages. failed rescue attempt. "I promise I
         would never lie to you"   most honest politician in office

Reagan- liberals thought he was Satan.   Everyone else thought he was
         the greatest president ever.   "There you go again" "Tear
         down the wall"   Iran contra scandal

Bush-    First Gult War.   "Read my lips- no new taxes" and than
         increased taxes.

Clinton- "I never had sex with that woman" "depends on what meaning
         of is, is" impeached.   Disbarred.   First black president.
         Great communicator.   convicted perjurer and liar.   Good
         economy.   Hillary

Bush-    I don't think he will be remembered as the "peace" president.
         I do think he will be remembered for 9/11, liberating
         Afganastan and Iraq, defeating the taliban, and capturing
         Sadaam.   He will also be remembered for alianating France.

I can't think of any president of the USA who is remembered as a peace president. Most of the great presidents (Washington, Lincoln, FDR?) were war presidents.

So Jack- for once we agree.