The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14352   Message #123223
Posted By: karen k
12-Oct-99 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
Well, guess it is time to put in my 2 cents worth although I don't know what else I can possibly add to what has already been said. The weekend was absolutely wonderful. Highlights for me included getting to know some people I already knew a little bit, a whole lot better, especially Jennifer Woods. Big Mick and Roger in Baltimore are great and oh, how they can sing and play! Meeting both Max and Joe was a treat, especially being able to thank Max in person for how much the Mudcat means to me. One regret is not being able to get to know Rita Ferrara better. She's definitely on my list to get to know better in the future. I was fortunate to already know a fair number of FSGW folks, some for at least 25 years and it was great to see them again. Also met for the first time some DC folks whom I know will become good friends.

What has left the biggest impression on me,however, is that it was one Getaway. By that I mean everyone mixed together. We didn't have Mudcatter's in one group and FSGW members in another. Everyone mixed and mingled right from the beginning. I certainly felt welcomed. FSGW, you folks sure are gracious hosts of the highest degree.

The song Kathy Westra sang, Total Strangers, really does capture the feeling of the Getaway. I kept saying during the weekend that I have wanted to come to the Getaway for 30 years and now that I have been I realize just how much I have missed. How could I have been so foolish!

Of the Getaway I can only say that,

"This time again, this time again
We'll not see this time again."

This Getaway has been so special for me. Getaways in the future will be wonderful and I hope to be able to attend many more. But for me I don't think that there will ever be another quite like this one. This Getaway and everyone involved, the singing and particularly the people mentioned above will live in my heart forever.

Thanks Washington, for a wonderful weekend and for opening your hearts and your arms and making so many new folks feel part of a great thing.

karen k