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Thread #71796   Message #1232776
Posted By: Ron Davies
24-Jul-04 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Peace President
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
As I've said elsewhere, I'm a registered Republican and a veteran.

Jack is basically correct.

George W. ---the chicken hawk par excellence ---"I'm not a commander in chief but I play one on TV"--- Bush will be remembered as somehow neglecting to use his expensive pilot training to prosecute the war in Vietnam which he supposedly supported-- (he could have if he so chose)-- while his opponent was a bona fide war hero who later turned against the war. Bush will be known as somebody who liked to play soldier while sending real soldiers to their deaths in Iraq.

I was interested to see in the Wall St. Journal recently that even some confirmed Reaganites (who held prominent positions in the Reagan State Department) also agree with Jack on another point: Bush is busily creating an authoritarian state while alienating long-time allies (I don't mean France-how about the rest of Western Europe?)--Mr. Blair is not exactly the toast of the UK for his stance.

I wonder how long it will take for other Republicans to realize Bush is creating problems and solving nothing.