The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14352   Message #123287
Posted By: Barry Finn
13-Oct-99 - 12:12 AM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
Hi All, WOW, I just got in from work, I'm still overwhelmed by the whole weekend. First off I gotta say you locals have mostly yourselfs to thank for all the pleasures. You took all of us out of town Catter's & treated us as if we blood relations that you hadn't seen in ages. THANKS. It's all that's been said above & more.

Well Mick, it was me that you knocked out with the first song you sang, I've never heard it done with more, everything, you came as close to bringing tears to my eyes as any song could. And after going to Bert's songwriting workshop I cursed him because I can't hear songs anymore without looking for some of the pointers that he pointed out, Thanks Bert it was great. Singing with Bonny is always a treat but she sang one of Frank MaGraf's (sp? sorry Frank) song's, not a soul took a breath until the last note crawled off into the hills & what a song Frank, great job. Roger, thanks for the memories, it was a something, eh. We had never met before never mind sing together, we didn't even have a chance to swap more than a couple of notes before doing the prison workshop & it went so smooth but how could I've know what a blues man you were. And talk about blues, Max must've been born 75 yrs. ago in the Delta, they must've called him Little Robert back then. Sandy & Caroline were all over the place & in each place they left their mark (as always) through the rain they're like a beacon. Nancy-Jean, thanks for letting us see into the life of your granmother & the world of collecting. Mary (Lamarca) & George do wonders to their very fine & enormous store of songs that they obviously love to share. I'd like to thank Ken Schatz (of the NexTradition) & Daphne Glover (of the Windlasses) for jumping in at the shanty workshop (Ken also helped to drive the prison session too) & giving Dave Diamond & Bonnie Milner & myself that extra drive that helped to get the joint really rockin & rollin. I've had the pleasure of hearing Dan Milner a number of times in a number of places & even though I've been lucky enough to be exposed to some of the best of Irish singing for quite some time, I'm continually amazed at how his style creeps up on me & before I realize it I'm trapped into his interpretation of whatever song he's singing & feel like I'm listening to one of the great ones from long ago. Funny, at the prison workshop I joked about his owing us a song, wouldn't you know it, he launched right in "Ain't No More Cane On The Brazos", I thought he just got out of the Joint. No better setting to meet Joe Offer than at this camp, his personality mimickes his voice & his songs (playfully encompassing & he has a habit of dragging you right into the fray) he was in his element but I suspect after meeting up with him that he be in his element anywhere. Jeri may not think it but the drinking songs she sang & the way she sang it make drinking look like the only thing you could be sure of.
This is ridiculous I've been trying to write this & get things done around here & it's now closing in on midnight but I still can't get over the whole thing, meeting Rita, SongsterBob, the bbc clan, Moonchild (you gotta hear her), Dick & Susan, Annap & Glenn, Uilleand, Karen K, Jennifer, Vic & Tim & Charlie B. & all the others that at this time of night & after so little sleep I can't possibly force my brain to name & to all of the FSGWer's that we all met (those of us that didn't have the pleasure of knowing them before) who were so great at sharing their Get Together & their love of music & their warmth with us all This Was A Beatuiful Thing. Next year is to far away. Goodnight to all. Barry