The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71896   Message #1232962
Posted By: Maryrrf
24-Jul-04 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: Oh no - somebody stole my CD collection
Subject: Oh no - somebody stole my CD collection
I'm feeling pretty bad right now. I stupidly left my car unlocked last night. I live in a quiet, friendly neighborhood and I just never think about somebody breaking into my car (or my house, for that matter, although I do always lock my door). I listen to a lot of CDs when I drive and I had a CD carrier with around 60 CD's lying on the front seat - and this morning they were gone! I had all my favorites in there, too and I'll never be able to replace most of them. Can't afford it, for one thing, and others were bought at festivals, etc. and aren't widely available. And I'd just bought some really great ones - Jean Ritchie, Jeannie Robertson, Andrew Calhoun. I had CDs by Old Blind Dogs, Silly Wizard, Ian F.Benzie.......

Anyway please learn from my mistake. First of all always lock your car door even if you think you're in a safe place. Second, make back up copies of your CDs! I had made a backups of a few CDs because I wanted a copy for the house as well as the car. I sure wish I'd made a back up copy of all of them.

The thing that really annoys me is that these precious CDs will probably just get thrown away because most people won't be interested in traditional music. More than likely it was kids or teenagers just roaming around trying car doors and taking whatever they happened to see.

This isn't a good day. Yes, it could have been worse - they could have stolen the car, or broken into my house, or harmed me or my son, so I suppose this was a good lesson and I'll be more careful in the future. But I sure will miss those CDs!