The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14352   Message #123330
Posted By: Big Mick
13-Oct-99 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
How could I have forgotten to mention Mary LaMarca & her wonderful husband George. This woman has a voice that makes me want to hear much more of her work. Barry uses the term "drawing you in". This is certainly how I would describe her voice. And George is no slouch either. When he tells a story, one is spellbound. I attended their workshop and thought it was one of the best. It is clear that they are partners in the best sense. Individually they are great, together they were fantastic. George and Mary, you were one of the highlights of my weekend.

How could I have forgotten to say "thank you" to the FSGW? They made us all feel so comfortable. I was concerned on the way of the impact of the Mudcatters on this well established gathering. My concerns were unfounded. They took us in and made us a part of them. I feel that I am probably going to join this organization, even though I live so far away. They are marvellous.

One other person I forgot to mention was Charley Baum. He is such a gentleman, and a genuinely nice person. I found some of his tips on breath control to be very useful. And his knowledge of the music is marvelous. BTW Charley, your driving instructions were spot on. I had no trouble following them and made it home safely. Wish like hell I had taken those to get to the gathering.

More as it comes to me. It will take a week to digest it all.

All the best,
