The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12641   Message #123412
Posted By: sophocleese
13-Oct-99 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: Funny Bumper Stickers-Second Edition!
Subject: RE: Funny Bumper Stickers-Second Edition!
I recently managed to inadvertently offend another mother at my kid's school. Having overdressed in a hurry I removed my sweater in the playground and revealed my BITCH t-shirt. B - beautiful, I - intelligent, T - talented, C - cunning, H - horny. I apologised and crossed my arms across my chest. The other t-shirt that I haven't got but will someday says "You call me Bitch like its a bad thing."

My mom wears a t-shirt my father got her at a conference, "Scientists should state clearly the theories on which their facts are based." For any geologists in the thread my Dad also brought me two; "Beware! Active Orogenous Zone." and "Subduction leads to Orogeny."