The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71896   Message #1234448
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Jul-04 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: Oh no - somebody stole my CD collection
Subject: RE: Oh no - somebody stole my CD collection
Many good points made in this thread, and despite the argumentative tone of a guest or two, all points are important. The ethics involved aren't sorted out easily, but a good start exists with the various offers people have made.

If you have the cases for the CDs that were in the car then knowing exactly what you lost is very helpful for an insurance claim. The remarks above about homeowners insurance are correct for many places in the U.S.--is that where you are? What auto insurance doesn't cover homeowners (or renters) insurance may cover. And having the cases strengthens your claim. (Meanwhile, if I were you I'd take up Mick and Seamus on their offers--those are too good to refuse!)

Copies for personal use have always been allowed; if a personal use includes a gift (but no exchange of money) then you're into a gray area that GUEST may argue about but would have a hard time defeating. People who make their living selling their CDs will have a different take on this than all of the record companies that just recently opened their warehouses and dumped their unsellable clutter on the nation's libraries as part of a "settlement" regarding their unfair business practices. They'll actually get credit for that CD dump, and they'll have nice clean warehouses for the next batch of trash. But I digress. . .

Check out some of the area half-price book and CD stores. Chances are they won't buy CDs without the cases, and may remember if someone tried to sell some without, or will remember the disks if your collection was unique enough.

I've stopped doing much in my yard or around the neighborhood after dark, even in what seems like a relatively safe neighborhood. My across-the-street neighbor is a retired fellow keeps an eye on the place, and has noticed that if I work in the garage at night that there have been passersby who slow to take a look--it worries him. I take his concern in all of it's various meanings. Is your dog protective? Then the late walks might be okay, but take care of yourself, and consider the missing CDs a slim price to pay if it cautioned you to look out for yourself better.