The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14418   Message #123580
Posted By: Ewan McVicar
13-Oct-99 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: Patronising jokes about Americans
Subject: Patronising jokes about Americans
Having been wearily sadded by the occasional resurfacing around here of 'songs' and 'amusing' discussions about haggis hunting and what is worn under the kilt, I have been racking my grey cells to think what the equivalently patronisingly insulting 'humorous' topics about Americans would be.
I can think of ones re Australians, but I can't think of any that would make Americans quite as hacked off as the above subjects make Scots. What 'jokey' topics / cliches about Americans annoy American, pray tell?
Does "Oversexed, overpaid, and over here" do it?
Assumptions that you are all cowboys?