The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70797 Message #1236201
Posted By: Wolfgang
29-Jul-04 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Do Physicists Think About?? IV
Subject: RE: BS: What Do Physicists Think About?? IV
Now what has Brucie said in this thread at 4:54, 17 June? It doesn't show on my screen. But maybe he had something to say and had meant to post and that only shows on screens of people with an open mind? Can the mere intention to post something of deep value leave a trace in the system that is observable for just some of us tuned to similar thoughts? Celtaddict, you have opened a Pandora box of metaphysical questions for me.
One of the deepest metaphysical questions on Mudcat for me is when I have posted and find no trace of that post. Have I merely dreamt I have posted? Can I only refind my post when I am in the same state of mind? Can others read my post of which I find no trace?
What do you say? I may only have mixed up the 'submit' button and the 'back' button for the umpteenth time? Shame on you. I'm speaking about metaphysics and you dare to hint I just made a minor slip. That's not fair.
Wolfgang (whose number of slips of this type per day cannot be counted by the fingers of both hands)