The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70681   Message #1236372
Posted By: The Shambles
29-Jul-04 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: A little more news on Licensing
Subject: RE: A little more news on Licensing
Do I detect a little local 'spin'?

Weymouth Advertiser July 29th 2004

New Rules for pubs and clubs

By Advertiser Reporter

People in Weymouth and Portland can have their say on new licensing laws that could see pubs opening 24 hours a day. The Licensing Act 2003 heralds changes to the sale and supply of alcohol and late-night refreshment licensing laws.

The rules for public, theatrical and film entertainment licenses will also be overhauled. Magistrates will pass responsibility to Weymouth and Portland Borough Council in February 2005, and members of the licensing committee met to consider what the new legislation means.

Weymouth and Portland licensing manager Sue Moore said the new act would replace current rules dictating that pubs and other venues need an entertainment licence if more than two people are performing in an organised concert. She said: "If anything, this should encourage live music, but people have eight weeks to give us their comments and we will incorporate everything that we can. "Once you cut through the red tape, it's a very positive piece of legislation."

Coun Mike Goodman said: "We have got to have a lighter touch = there is a presumption that people applying for licenses should be granted one. "We would only take action if we needed to."

The public has until September 24 to respond to the draft policy statement that sets out what is expected from licence-holders. Separate conditions can be attached to each of the individual licenses, for example if there are concerns about drinks being spiked in pubs, or not enough ventilation in clubs. Councillors hope the new laws will encourage more dancing and theatre, prevent crime and public nuisance and protect people, especially children.

They will be able to target premises that cause problems to the community, while firms that go about their business in a legitimate way will be left alone. Members are also consulting police, firefighters, other local authorities, landlords, breweries, business and musicians.

The policy statement can be viewed at libraries and tourist information centres next month.