The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71709   Message #1237658
Posted By: CarolC
31-Jul-04 - 12:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
Subject: RE: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
Here's the difference between a human rights organization and someone with a political agenda...

Human rights organizations fight for and protect the civil rights of human beings (all human beings) when the people whose job it is to fight for and protect the civil rights of hunan beings find it politically inexpedient to do so.

Here's a for instance:

Some people consider the ACLU to be a "radical left-wing" organization. However the ACLU was willing to act on behalf of Jonathan Pollard when even Senator Leiberman was not willing to do so. The human rights organizations will protect and fight for people, for no reason other than the fact that they are human beings, when no one else will. And that's the difference.