The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65245   Message #1238199
01-Aug-04 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: Parents/Teachers: RITALIN?
Subject: RE: Parents/Teachers: RITALIN?
Hello lyrical Lady. I have read everyone's comments on your situation. I'm 27 with a 3and a half yr.old. My brother(25) is on 20 mg of ritalin. He started a 10mg. This is the 1st time in his life to be on this drug. He goes to school 4 days a week, works full time at night. He went to the Dr. with complaints of not being able to concentrate as well as he used to. He was immediatley prescribed ritalin. He takes a dose before he goes to school and it really seems to have helped his concentration alot. He was not diagnosed with a learning diability of any kind and I was surprised the Dr. prescribed that so soon. But it helps...he never had much trouble in school when he was a child and is not hyperactive. There are days that he does not take the medicine,like when he doesn't have school, and there are no adverse side effects. This is the only knowledge I have about this but I do agree that a 2nd opinion is a good idea. A change in diet sounds good too. I wish you much luck in finding the correct answers you need.. L