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Thread #72049   Message #1238488
Posted By: GUEST
01-Aug-04 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: All Unity! No Dissent! Hawk! Hawk!
Subject: RE: BS: All Unity! No Dissent! Hawk! Hawk!
Well Clint, I don't agree that the Bush administration has done more damage to the US than the terrorist attacks by bin Laden and Timothy McVeigh. I think that is a pretty over the top statement, and upon reflection, I hope you decide you are just spouting a bit more hyperbole to make a point about the damage Bush has done BECAUSE he took advantage of our wounding in the wake of 9/11.

But so have the Democrats. It is very clear to me that the Democratic Leadership Council/Democratic party elite is using hatred for Bush, Inc. to destroy the progressive left wing of the party once and for all, and go after those who have left the party to build a progressive movement coalition (ie, Nader, the Greens, and the more progressive libertarians) and do as much damage to them this year as possible. They are doing that to innoculate themselves from any organized resistance to them and their right wing agenda AFTER Kerry wins.

Democratic party lawyers aren't just working in every state to keep Nader off the ballot. They are also working to keep every Green Party candidate at every level off the ballot, wherever they are running.

The progressive movement in the US is better organized and more unified and has more forward momentum than it has had since the 19th century. Which is precisely why the attacks on progressives both inside and outside the Democratic party are so vociferous.

You, of all people Clint, I would think have seen that by now. Both the Kerry/Democratic Leadership Council Democrats and the Limbaugh/Bush administration Republicans are working together to destroy the left, and get all opposition to their global domination from the US, the UK, Australia, and Canada obliterated.

Once they have us pacified and silenced, they will take on Russia, the EU, and China. If you think things are bad now, just wait til we pull out OUR nukes again and start using them to pacify resistance around the globe back to the stone age, with total global impunity.