The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72103   Message #1238666
Posted By: Bobert
01-Aug-04 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: Should Mike Tyson retire?
Subject: RE: Should Mike Tyson retire?
Look, Tyson is history. He doesn't scare anyone any more. Everyone know to just let him punch himself out in the 1st round so just cover up, weather it and pick him off once he is spent. Like how many 22 year old heavy weights are the out there who can't beat Tyson?

But here'a a bigger question. How could the guy win well over $500M and be broke? Like how many steaks can jus' one guy eat? How many Rolls Royce's can one guy own? Come on. The guy has been fleeced by his handlers, Don King being the biggest one....
