The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72046   Message #1238848
Posted By: Vixen
02-Aug-04 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Metronome help
Subject: RE: Metronome help
Mudcats are the best!

Foolstroupe, I know what you mean about the "swing". I try to learn the intervals and fingerings "straight," at about half speed, then bring them up to tempo, then add the "swing". I'm trying to correct several deficiencies simultaneously: 1) my sense of time is inconsistent; 2) I'm still learning to play my instruments (pennywhistle and guitar) so some fingerings are not yet in muscle memory--hence, the ones I know go too fast, and the ones I don't, I stumble through; 3) I am trying to develop my sense of rhythm so I can learn to improvise and stay on the beat.

MCP, thank you for the guide to the Italian tempi--do they increment by 10's from Moderato to Prestissimo?

Jim--I like the "pulse" idea...for actual playing in company, that's the ideal to strive for--organic, living, responsive. I don't want to be the clot in the vein, though. Hence, in practice, I'm trying to cultivate a bit of discipline makes the ideal "pulse" accessible to me and those I play with.

Thanks again...


Again, all thanks...