The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72046   Message #1239022
Posted By: Vixen
02-Aug-04 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: Metronome help
Subject: RE: Metronome help
Dear Robin--

What you said!

#3 is what I'm working on mostly. #4 is the other part I'm focusing on.

#2 is why I'm working with the 'nome in the first place!

Actually, I LIKE working with the metronome. Once I admitted that it was me that was going faster and slower, not the infernal device, things have been improving at a tremendous pace. I practice with it for about 30 minutes twice a week, focusing on whatever I'm having the most trouble with at the time. Several people I jam with have mentioned that they've seen the improvement. Most important, my partner has noticed that my playing is getting more "in the groove!"

But I do believe it's a difficult device to learn to use effectively.

V (still wondering just how fast a jig should go...)