The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72103   Message #1239028
Posted By: Nerd
02-Aug-04 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: Should Mike Tyson retire?
Subject: RE: Should Mike Tyson retire?
Well, Bobert I agree that in all probability he was fleeced by his handlers, but I would be surprised if it wasn't done legally; i.e. he signed power of attorney and/or other rights away and they used those rights and powers to make him "give" his money to them.

However, I don't agree with your other poits about "how many steaks can a guy eat?" There are plenty of ways for someone who had 500 million bucks to end up way in debt on their own. Trump is a good example; he's been at the top and at the bottom. One bad deal on a casino and your entire personal fortune can easily disappear. Even a giant yacht can bankrupt your average movie star if he is not careful!

Finally, I also agree that Iron Mike is washed up and that Boxing itself is a dreadful spectacle that ought to go.