The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72008   Message #1239157
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Aug-04 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: My 2500th Post!
Subject: RE: BS: My 2500th Post!
I'm at 11,224 posts (counting this one). Not bad. My first post was on July 15th 2000, when I started a thread called "Why are most mudcatters human?" It was a satirical response to a bunch of previous threads asking things like "Why are most mudcatters white?", "Why are most mudcatters heterosexual?", and various similar questions which seemed to be designed to beat some sort of unnecessary drum and arouse pointless controversy amongst the membership.

This was the post:

"Why are most mudcatters human?"

As long as we're trying to find out why most mudcatters are white and heterosexual, this is obviously a question worth asking, don't you think? I mean, it's really quite surprising that we don't have a solid contingent of felines, considering we are mudCATTERS, after all. Then too, my dog howls every time I play the harmonica. Why isn't he a mudcatter? Maybe if we changed the name to the "Muddog Cafe"... We don't have any Martians either. By golly, I think it's time we got to the bottom of this. Without delay.

The responses ranged from the haughty and indignant to the humorous to the helpful (Spaw, for example, was quite helpful). It ended up being an okay thread.