The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15390   Message #1239228
Posted By: GUEST,
02-Aug-04 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: A. L. Lloyd: History and anecdotes?
Subject: RE: A. L. Lloyd: History and anecdotes?
All has been quiet for TOO long.
There's a snide reference to Bert Lloyd in Dominic Behan's novel "The Public World of Parable Jones." (Fontana Paperbacks) page 40
"Even the pusillanimous Bert Lloyd had been found with men and sheep..."
Dom's revenge for Bert's scathing review of "Posterity Be Damned!"
Bert's summary: "Nothing to Declare."
I know -- I was there with them while recording the Ballad of John Axon
Stan (Liverpool Lullaby)Kelly