The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72103   Message #1239257
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
02-Aug-04 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: Should Mike Tyson retire?
Subject: RE: Should Mike Tyson retire?
I've just read his CV, posted by 'another... victim'

Seems he served only half his sentence for the rape, getting out after a 3 stretch. 2 years later he commits assault (the ear biting). The following year he assaults 2 motorists and 9 months later (in May 1999) gets 2 years jail for that. He can only have served half of that sentence too, because in 2000, he deliberately knocked out a referee during a match so he can continue beating his opponent.

Anyone see a pattern emerging here?

He has ceased to be a sportsman (like I ever thought boxing was a sport!), and is now just a thug. He was given his second chance and deliberately screwed it up. The man is sick. If he needs any help from anyone, it has to be a psyciatrist.