The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72121 Message #1240003
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
04-Aug-04 - 12:52 AM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: Meet Me Tonight in the Moonlight
Subject: ADD: Meet Me Tonight (Randolph #746A)
You must meet me tonight in the moonlight, You must meet me tonight all alone, For I have a sad story to tell you, Must be told by the moonlight alone.
You'll be taken to the new jail tomorrow, A-leavin' your darlin' all alone, With them cold prison bars all around you, An' a board for your pillow ever' night.
You know that my parents was cruel, To drive me away from their door, If ever I live to grow older, I'll never go back any more.
Oh blow ye the winds o'er the ocean Blow ye winds over the sea, Oh blow ye the winds o'er the ocean, An' bring back my darlin' to me.
I have a large ship on the ocean, All mounted in silver an' gold, An' before that my girl shall suffer, That ship shall be anchored an' sold.
If I had the wings of an angel, If I had the wings of a dove, I'd fly to the arms of my darlin', An' there I would lay down an' die.
Sung by Mrs. Carrie Baber, Pineville, MO, Dec. 1924. "Mrs. Baber first heard the song about 1889. Vance Randolph, "Ozark Folksongs, vol. 4, 746A, with music. This seems to be a composite of three or even four songs.