The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72161   Message #1240638
Posted By: Mooh
05-Aug-04 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Instrument strings - durability ?
Subject: RE: Instrument strings - durability ?
I pulled a set of Elixirs from a student's case a couple of months ago and they were rusted and tarnished in the package! The coating had seperated from the strings and left a trail of shreds on the way to the trash. Never seen such a thing before. The story was that they were bought for a trip to the Orient (I think it was), but were never strung up. The humidity and/or salt air they suffered must have been axtreme. Less than a year in the case.

Once in a while I see a little tarnished area on newish strings but generally don't have any problems. I buy them and use them within about 6 months, and keep replenishing my stock so that there's always a few sets (20 maybe) on hand. God knows how long they hang in the store or how long it is between manufacture and use.

I know a guy who keeps his in his freezer, but I don't understand the science behind that.

Btw, tried the Wyres recently and much liked them, though I can't get them locally...usually use D'Addarios.

Peace, Mooh.