The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69037   Message #1241793
Posted By: Wilfried Schaum
07-Aug-04 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: black walnut visiting Europe
Subject: RE: black walnut visiting Europe
Hi blackie - Murmel is the shortened form of Murmeltier = marmot.
Ich pfeife wie ein Murmel = I'm whistling like a marmot.

There is a fine (GE) student song about the marmot, and its sexual behaviour in the last stanza, which I have translated thus:
And sometimes the marmot
goes to a secret place,
and there it meets the marmotess -
and so it multiplies
[Then maybe it whistles really orgiastically.]

Do you think you will make it to Germany?
Maybe you could stay in Europe till next May to join the nexr Eurogathering in France?
