The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69037   Message #1242474
Posted By: black walnut
08-Aug-04 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: black walnut visiting Europe
Subject: RE: black walnut visiting Europe
Ah yes...and then the Marot family feeds marmite on toast to their 22 babies, and they all live happily ever after! (I prefer trifle, Liz, in case you're keeping track.)

Sorry I haven't put any photos up on the Mudcat yet. I've been really busy and next week I'm away again.

I was in Germany for about a week, Wilfried, but we stayed put in the Muenster area, until our mad dash drive down to Switzerland with 5 women in the car plus luggage plus picnic food. That was something to behold. We were careful to park in the shade, as one of my suitcases was already stuffed with fine chocolate.

Will I be back some day? I sure hope so.
