The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71367   Message #1243187
Posted By: freda underhill
09-Aug-04 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: freda going to UK
Subject: RE: freda going to UK
hi catters

i looked at my first post to this thread, which was a hope that i could meet with some of you here and there. it has turned out much better than that - i now have some plans and points of contact, and have spoken on the phone to micca and to jacqui.

I'll be at the Black Lion on the 22nd, 3-5, at Herga on the 23rd, Sharps on 24th and going to towersey on thursday 26th, returning to austria on wed 1st september.

monday 23rd - Wed 25th are free during the day, with a possible trip to oxford to see clean supper on one of those days..

clean supper - are you going to towersey? and rosie wells - please pm me if you read this!

see you next week, micca n cat, and jacqui in two weeks!
