The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72290   Message #1243413
Posted By: jimmyt
09-Aug-04 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: My kitty just died
Subject: BS: My kitty just died
Our oldest cat, Becky just was put to sleep this AM after complications from a respitaty infection she acquired at the vets. THey took a chest xray this am as well as blood work and discovered she had lung cancer and late stage diabetes, but she was a very sweet kitty, living 16 years . We had no indication she had any problems having taken her for routine checkup, but apparently there was a horrible infection that was spread to all the animals in the vets for a couple days. Our other kitty got sick also but was young enough to fight the infection. I hope she joins all the other mudkitties and has a pleasent afterlife if that is to be