The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70734   Message #1243422
Posted By: fiddler
09-Aug-04 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: 51st Sidmouth festival
Subject: RE: 51st Sidmouth festival
McG I think this is a good idea BUT we should look at first getting Sidmouth back on the map and protected. Other festivals do have the same problems but if we spread our efforts then we may find that we are spread too thinly in both areas, ergo, Sidmouth must come first.

We must also guard against Heap focussing and criticism, the festival was saved by him and he more than ably fulfilled his brief from teh council to make the festival more commercial.

Focus should be on where we go now, but a charitable trust hiring (and Mrs Casey has been listed as a possiblity) a third party to stage the festival to their brief at a fee is not dissimilar (indeed exactly the same as the current situation!

All the pieces have been moved around on teh chess board and whilst there is no winner there is currently no looser but there is a year without a festival.
