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Thread #72325   Message #1245059
Posted By: Mrrzy
11-Aug-04 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
To my great surprise, my Mom, a known fag hag (that was the slang term for straight women whose friends were almost all gay men back when I was growing up), opposes the idea of gay marriage. When pressed she said it's because they (gays) should stop trying to imitate us (straights) and just do their own thing. I had 2 answers:

1) If *I* do the standing in line to apply for a marriage license, why should the goverment look into my mate's jeans? Or, if I am married to a same-sex person, why should I have to use a different word than if I were married to another gender? Isn't the point for the term to be gender-neutral so that everybody can seem normal?

2) They aren't imitating the straights, they're trying to be normal, which is what the straights are considered. See point (1), above.

My take is marriage in a church can be as limited as the church wants (the Quakers will marry same-sex couples, the Catholic's won't), and marriage in a civil ceremony should not even ask the gender question.

And to John P, don't forget about taking slaves only from non-neighboring tribes and dashing someone's children's heads against the stones, can't recall whose exactly...