The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72325   Message #1245721
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Aug-04 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
It is natural for liberal-minded people to support people who are seeking equal rights. Accordingly, I and many other liberal-minded people have in our time supported women, Native Americans, blacks, gays, and various visible minorities in their search for equality.

That is clear.

However, I note another phenomenon which is not so clear. When members of a discriminated-against minority themselves become discriminatory toward I have seen happen on many occasions...when they become totally unreasonable, due to a "victimization" complex that is exaggerated way beyond the realities they are dealing with...and I have seen that too...

Do we then support them in their bigotry? I don't.

I am not accusing gays in general of such bigotry. However, I am saying that the media nowadays are being manipulated by certain rather odd individuals who are obsessed with gay-related issues to a point which suggests to me that they are in the grip of a serious psychological illness. And I do not support this cockeyed approach to life. It's unreasonable.

To just have a standard rote opinion on any issue is a robotic sort of behaviour. You have to look at each individual situation on its own merits. Meaning: a black person is not ALWAYS a victim, just because he is black. A Native American is not ALWAYS a spiritual giant just because he is Native. A woman is not ALWAYS a victim just because she is female. A gay person is not ALWAYS a victim just because he/she is gay.

Some women are petty tyrants in relationship. Some blacks are virulent racists against whites (or someone else). Some Natives are arrogant pricks. Some gays are manipulative jerks.

You know why? They're just like other people!!! What a surprise. :-)

So when you leap to defend every issue connected to some special interest group just because you have decided that a "liberal" person would support that special interest group...maybe you are not really thinking about the matter very clearly at all...but just indulging in political correctness.

I still support gays in a general sense, by the way, as I still support blacks, women, Native Americans, etc., but I judge each circumstance on its own merits.

I really have no strong opinion on whether or not gays should raise children. I suppose it would mainly depend on the individual circumstances, which could vary tremendously.