The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72325   Message #1245910
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
12-Aug-04 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
So, Daylia, you want to review the spelling rules in the English language? Check your dictionary and you'll find under words and their modifications the option to leave a final consonant single or doubling it when adding "ed" or "ing" because the vowel "e" or "i" can change the pronuciation of the previous vowel. The mnemonic device for the rule is that when the letters is a word are arranged vowel--consonant--vowel the second vowel after the one consonant interval makes the first one "say it's own name." This produces a long vowel sound, which may not in fact be how it is supposed to be pronounced in that word. Doubling the consonant at the end before adding "ed" or "ing" prevents any ambiguity in pronunciation. Hence, traveling or travelling, etc. In this case, bigoted or bigotted works. As in the sentence "Daylia had some bigotted friends over for dinner the other night."

I'm not surprised that you can pull together a group of people who reach the same conclusions you do regarding civil rights, the rights to privacy, and the normal human activity of wanting to have and raise a family. Water seeks its own level. Your reporting of the bizarre twist in the conversation speaks volumes regarding your own conflicted argument, when you imply that you consider it 1. unnatural for lesbians to want to have children but also that 2. having heterosexual sex (with the pitcher's brother) to have children, if they're lesbian, is even more abnormal. Geez!