The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72381   Message #1246239
Posted By: Blackcatter
12-Aug-04 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Religon
Two Bears,

I studied religon in college (M.A. in Religion, M.A. in Philosophy).

After college, a girlfriend was interested in Paganism, specifically Wicca. I went with her to take a 6 month weekly course on the religion, assuming that it would be merely educational. About halfway through the course, I realized that my belief in a Universe that is controlled by laws and not by any capricious god could fit pretty well with what I was learning. I saw that magic can be effective and still fit into my personal cosmology. To me Gods and Goddesses are achetypes like Jung and Campbell taught. Magic is just another force of nature, available to all, just like electricity is available by plugging into an outlet. I honor the changing of the seasons (sort of, I live in Florida), I honor the path my life is taking as well as those of my friends.

During that course, I became an Ecclectic Wiccan (one who doesn't follow a specific "tradition" or path within Wicca), and also my girlfriend and I broke up. Cool thing, though, I got to keep her best friend as my best friend. That friend was not only Pagan, but introduced me to the Unitarian Universalist Church. I began attending and found that I was welcomed, regardless of the fact that I'm sort of both Athiest and Pagan. As odd as it may seem (to non UUs) I can consider myself to be a UU Atheist Pagan. Through UUism, I found a community of people who were more interested in organization and community than many Pagans. The UU community also fits closely with my social and political leanings and so I've been able to persue learning and connections that way.

I have also incorporated Buddhist beliefs in my worship and regularly celebrate major holidays with both Chirstian and Jewish friends (I always bring the home-made gefilte fish for Pesach). I have worshipped at the local mosque many times as well, and have been an invited guest at the National Mosque in Washington D.C. through close Muslim friends. I find the Qu'ran a beautiful book and I have liberal Muslim friends who practice their faith yet follow the modern understandings of equality for all and acceptance of other faiths.

I became an ordained minister with the on-line church, the Universal Life Church, so that I may be able to perform legal handfastings and weddings, as well as be official clergy in hospitals to visit those in the community who consider me to be a religious advisor and counselor. I have handfasted over 30 couples, both gay and straight and have even blessed a couple group unions. I lead occasional services at UU churches through Florida (as a lay leader). I am the president of the Pagan group at my UU church (I have also served on the board of the church, itself).

Whew. I hope that answered you question.

Blackcatter (ironically enough, the name Blackcatter has nothing to do with Paganism - Our church has an open-mic coffeehouse called the Black Cat Cafe. I'm one of the founders).