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Thread #72319   Message #1246262
Posted By: Bill D
12-Aug-04 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
"You simply cannot expect to control all of life, Bill." ummmm...I don't think I even suggested I could..or should

...if that's a response to my wish for 'more awareness', then I can only say 10% of something's better than 100% of nothing. ANY increase in education and understanding of how reason, science & logic work can only be beneficial. Some people take the attitude that those principles don't apply if they ignore them...but "it ain't necessarily so". 2+2 don't = 5 just because some don't want to be limited by silly, inflexible rules.....

I wish I could explain clearly how important is the rule of logic that says "from false premises, anything follows". This is not a 'matter of opinion' is not a personal is not tricky bit of IS the way things work, and its implications are manifold....

One example-various young people in the world are committing suicide with bombs these days, in an effort to harm their 'enemies'...most/many of them do this because they had been led to think that such an act of sacrifice will get them direct admission to paradise....not ALL members of their religion agree with this notion. They cannot both be right.
The young people do the things based on several premises...that there IS a 'paradise', that certain kinds of killing qualify you go there, that non-members of their religion are a danger that NEEDS defense...etc...etc...If those premises are wrong, it has grave implications.
   Yeah, that's an extreme example, but the point is the same even if the premises are not so clear and the implications are not so immediately staggering.

I dunno...I can't change much of anything...and changing minds is about the hardest thing of all....but Max says this blather will live for a long time...*sly grin*, so perhaps someone will read it and say.."oh...NOW I get it!"....maybe.....