The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72319   Message #1246322
Posted By: Bobert
12-Aug-04 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
Well, I ain't gonn agt this 100% right but perhaps close enough for one of the heavy hitters to come along and clean it up...

Let's equate spirit with energy. No, no. Not what it takes to creat the energy but the actual product. What does energy weigh? Well, nuthin'... Like will one volt of electricity, if it could be released by itself fall to earth? Well, probably not.

Matter, however, has wieght. Yes, the electron is kinda like a firld general in it atomins makeup and allows it hook up with other atoms and become compounds but each atom has wieght. The electron in the atom however does not. Or it is my opnion, learn-ed or not, that the electron is weightless...

Well, lets get back to spirit. It, like the tiny electron, like the floating volt that we unleashed has no weight and therefore no particular master since only weighted material is subject to a gravitational forces.

(But, Bobert, how would you explain the electrical fields that are very much part of the earth which is a gravitaional master?)

Well, lets get back to atoms and weight and look at the way an electron circles its atoms while also allowing it to combine with other atomic matter. If we look at the earth less as a massive complex compound of all the various elements of the atominc chart and think for a moment of just how insiginficant earth is in raletionship to the rest of the uiniverse then it is posssible to think of earth as nothing more than just another atom on the chart with its electrical fields being no more soignificant than the electrons encircling a single atom...

That leaves energy as the wild card, so to speak, because it is not confined exclusively to a gravitation master but, unless tied up at the moment holding something together, is free while matter, unless caught up in some type of energy/rebellion, such as an explosion or launching from the gravitational master, is damned to a life with that master...

That's the way me and Wes Ginny Slide Rule have it figurated...
