The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72325   Message #1246873
Posted By: Ebbie
13-Aug-04 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
"I ask you sincerely, would you personally want to be adopted by a homosexual couple as a helpless babe, to face a lifetime of pervasive social ostracism and potential violence? As for me, NOT ON YOUR (WHATEVERSEXUAL) LIFE !!!"

Your question, daylia, is a silly one. It is like asking me if I would choose to be born a Jew or black or Amish or a Gypsy or you name it. Each of these groups has been reviled and persecuted.

Frankly, in my opinion you would do yourself better service by examining your views.

And my answer? Absolutely. For all I know, I would have chosen/been chosen to be born at that time or in that place in order to help people examine and rectify their prejudices.

Elva Bontrager