The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72364   Message #1248158
Posted By: Richard Bridge
15-Aug-04 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: Singing technique: How to breathe
Subject: RE: Singing technique: How to breathe
Rule four - try to figure out where in the song taking a breath will not disrupt the song.

Section 5 - try to ignore all the pretentious crap you hear about "sing from the stomach" (oh really, it has no mouth), or
"push from the diaphragm" (oh, really, having a baby too?)
You need someone who thinks like you. My singing has been crap for years and no amount of psychobabble could help me. Someone I know who also thinks like an engineer explained a few things to me in engineering, scientific, terms I could relate to.    Now I can try to do what I was being told might help. I ain't good, yet, but I think I can hear it making me less bad.