The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72364   Message #1248548
Posted By: AggieD
16-Aug-04 - 06:47 AM
Thread Name: Singing technique: How to breathe
Subject: RE: Singing technique: How to breathe
Do you warm up before you start to sing? Not just your vocal chords, but also your whole body.

Try having a really goood stretch, reaching as high as possible with both arms, then reaching with one at a time. This helps to stretch & warm up the rib cage muscles. Don't overstreth yourself.

An exercise I learnt many years ago from a very good teacher was to stand in relaxed posture, legs slightly apart, hands hanging heavy at your sides shoulders rolled back & down,expel as much air as you can(imagine a beach ball deflating), then push out your diaphragm as far as you comfotably can, not only forwards but all round your body. This exercise will help to strengthen the muscles that are normally underused, & if done regularly, you will eventually be able when you do go to sing to more naturally take deeper breaths.

If you want more warm up techniques e-mail me & I will let you have a few more ideas.

Ignore Richard, you do need to phrase a song with breath, otherwise it can totally ruin the meaning. If his voice is crap, then he should go to a decent teacher, or just stop singing.