The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72463   Message #1248655
Posted By: greg stephens
16-Aug-04 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bones
Subject: RE: BS: Bones
Now I'm just making a guess here, but I suspect the scenario is something along the following lines(it combines the hot weather,and what we know of Sir JOhn's habits as outlined in many threads).
I think Sir JOhn is maybe coming homeafter a visit to the pub,he's had a few bears, he's hungry. He gets a bag of spare ribs at the Chinese. The uneaten portion (bones, mainly) he leaves on the kitchen.
Next day: gets up, goes to work,has a few bears,comes home,goes to sleep.
Next day similar. Now this is where the hot weather comes in. he comes home around two in the morning, cracks a can of beer, and is sitting in his underpants, firing up Mudcat on the old computer and chatting with Spaw or Martin Gibson whatever. At this point he notices a dreadful smell. Possibly the underpants, but eventually he tracks it down to the rib bones on the kitchen table(it's been hot summer weather for two days, remember?). So, he's in his deshabilee, so he's not going down three flights of stairs and out to the backyard where the dustbins are, is he? He does what anybody would...chucks thhe bones in the bog, flushes it, and returns to Mudcat.
   And it is only the follwing morning, when he is at his ritual devotions in the bathroom, that he realises he has made a BIG MISTAKE, it and it is time for Mr Dynarod and his brightly painted van.
   Now, Sir JOhn, am I right, or am I right?