The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72494   Message #1248997
Posted By: Hawker
16-Aug-04 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall
Subject: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall
Hi, Many of you I am sure will have visited Boscastle in Cornwall on your holidays, I know some of our US catters visited earlier this year, The village was hit by a mammoth flood as 62 mm of water fell in 2 hours, In parts it was under a deluge of upto 10 feet of water, 2 shops collapsed and 30+ cars have been washed down the main street and into the harbour. Many of the homes are ruined and waterlogged. 3 people are still not accounted for. Spookily enough, this happened on the 52nd anniversary of the Lynmouth flood when a similar thing happened up the coast in Devon in 1952. I live about 18 miles away and got away lightly, our living room flooded and our garage was under 3 inches of water, the road outside became a small stream and the path to our church got buried under a small landslip, I believe Tintagel and Camelford were also badly affected.
Please spare a thought for the people affected and their families in your prayers tonight.
Cheers, Lucy