The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72494   Message #1249229
Posted By: Cats
17-Aug-04 - 05:40 AM
Thread Name: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall
Thanks to all Catters and friends who have phoned to see how things are here. As far as I know GK is OK and out saving other people. The coastguard was called out before the floods hit so he would have gone. As soon as we hear we promise faithfully to post here. It looks as though the Museum is still standing but the ice cream shop, visitor centre, clothes shop on the corner have all gone. 300 years they have stood there. the ground floor of the Wellie has collapsed into the cellar so non sessions there for a whike and the water was coming out of the upstairs windows of the cobweb, so no sessions there either.

Mortia is OK. She's here with us.