The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72319   Message #1249747
Posted By: Bill D
17-Aug-04 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
Carole...I, for one, would LOVE to have those things proved true...not just to those who experience them, but to all. I can't read minds, see the future, see auras, influence plants, remember past lives, 'feel' crystals, perform out-of-body visualizations, talk to spirits, heal illness, levitate, bend spoons, read tea leaves, see fairies in my garden...or ANY of the things often discussed here.

If you TRULY can, I am envious, and would love to either learn how, or find out before I die why not....if you can't, and it is all only subjective, wishful thinking...I'd like to know that too....Simply telling me "Oh, **I** know it's real, but it is by definition untestable!" won't do for someone like me who like answers, not claims.
   I try to always have an open mind and not state categorically that ALL that is totally impossible, but the ONLY alternative for someone who studied 'thinking' seriously is to be a careful skeptic and distrust answers that seem too pat, vague and 'fuzzy'.
What else can I do, poor thing who had his receptors damaged due to too much Country Music in Kansas? *grin*

There are several issues...who is 'right'? How can we KNOW? and Does it make any practical difference? At different times, one of these issues is more relevant than the others.