The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72494 Message #1249859
Posted By: GUEST,Anne Croucher
17-Aug-04 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall
The TV news today was full of pictures of the actual flood and the aftermath.
It is astonishing that there are so few people unacounted for - some might turn up, but no serious injuries and no known deaths at the moment.
The number of people rescued by helecopters from precarious places was impressive - well, I thought so.
OK there is a lot of damage to property cars caravans and campers swept away - houses collapsed or undermined - but the actual Human cost is a few sprains and bruises so far. The whole valley must have been full of guardian angels, stacked like Christmas 747s over Gatwick in a hail storm.