The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72485   Message #1250079
Posted By: GUEST,Dewey
18-Aug-04 - 04:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Things I know about consciousness
Subject: RE: BS: Things I know about consciousness
The superconscious mind is the AID to ACQUIRING the DISCIPLINE of GUIDANCE toward a chief AIM.

After a while it becomes EFFORTLESS to TRIGGER THE SUBCONSCIOUS. But AT FIRST it must be coyed into working on its own FROM THE GET-GO.

INTO THE WORLD of CONSCIOUS thought comes the CONRNERSTONE of this philosophy onto which the foundation of concentration is based.

IN THE CONTINUUM OF IDEAS reside the UNSETTLED MIND which must first be tamed AT WILL in order to experience the confluence of synergistic knowledge into which WILL IS DERIVED.

After experieincing happy thoughts of successful outcomes, occasionally it becomes necessary to tame the sub-conscious before proceding into the entire exercise. Relax for a while until a state of quiessence is achieved, Make you mind as calm and forthright as humanly possible.

Access all knowledge accumulating in the data based of your mind and then expand on that knowledge Begin at once to discover THE INNER VOICE THAT CALLS YOU TO ACTION, AND ABOVE ALL ELSE ACT!!!


It is only through CONTINUAL ACTIVITY that the INNER WORKINGS OF THE MIND begin to MANIFEST Results.

Results are EASY.

It is the taming of you mind to direct your though impulses to a definite end that becomes the "real problem"

You are (thus) being guided along paths never attained by most mortal men, the devine inspiration that is flowing through your pen is the result of concentrated effort.

The EFFORT has become EASY because your thoughts have become easy and it is now UP TO YOUR MIND to PROVIDE THE ANSWERS you seek to the questions YOU ask and are always asking.

The availability is not dependant UPON THE PERSON but upon the source of the mind being tapped.

The super-conscious is the storehouse and floodgate upon which all ideas real and imagined are brought into fruition.

Simply believe and watch the DETAILS OF THE MINDS POWER, suddenly MANISFEST themselves into the physical reality of the being who ENTRUSTS HIS WILL to be EXACTED upon them.

Sorry, my e-mail hasn't work for any of you.I thought you wouldn't mind if I placed a small bit of my very first writings dictated from the universal mind on this thread.

This is merely the start of my writings that keep ever expanding from the above paragraphs. I've got about 40 pages now of this faith-based instant dictation style writing.

Dewey (the nut)