The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72209 Message #1250096
Posted By: Sir Roger de Beverley
18-Aug-04 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: Sun Inn, Beverley - sessions
Subject: RE: Sun Inn, Beverley - sessions
I'm a bit confused now. We went in for our acoustic workshop last night and there was the best beer range available since the current licensees took over - five hand-pulled real ales plus scrumpy cider and wheat beer. There was also a board up advertising bands on for Saturday and Sunday night.
Ian, the landlord, says that he is leaving on Tuesday 31st August and has no information on whether it will close for a while or whether anyone will move straight in. He is also of the opinion, although he doesn't know for sure, that the pubco may be selling it. Apparently Ian saw someone taking pictures of the outside of the pub last week and he looked as if he was compiling a sales brochure.