The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72494   Message #1250450
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Aug-04 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall
Thanks, Hawker, for posting this. I'd heard nothing about it over here.

Have just looked at pix and video HERE and am amazed that no one was lost. They said they airlifted 120 people over 11 hours and mentioned how careful they had to be with 7 helicopters about in such a small space. Incredible efforts to be commended!

We lived through a Coonecticut River flood in Connecticut which was horrific. Thankfully we were on high ground, but the devastation was incredible. Hvae also been through some hurricane flooding, but nothing like such a wall of water in such a small valley as Boscastle. And, such stolid looking old buildings. It's so sad to see them so damaged.

Lots of energy, light, and healing being sent to all from Colorado and May the Goddess continue blessings of safety for all.
