The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72325   Message #1250745
Posted By: *daylia*
18-Aug-04 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Why you don't like gay marriage
Stilly I know you're intelligent and well-read, and I appreciate your sense of humour too. But I don't care for the overbearing, pompous-sounding and often downright insulting tone of the majority of your posts here. I watch you so often make harsh, unwarranted assumptions and judgments about complete strangers, at the drop of a hat (meaning a word or two). I do not respect that type of behavior at all.

I never have.

I usually just skip your posts because of it. And I know I'm probably missing out on some valuable information (please don't confuse this with valuable 'opinions') by doing so. It's just not worth the effort of dealing with the aggravation, anger and annoyance your posts evoke, 99% of the time -- whether you are addressing me or someone else (usually a newcomer) on this site.

Sometimes it even brings out the worst in me ... have you noticed? That's why I ignore you most of the time.

Now, if this is called giving with one hand and taking with the other, so be it. It is the truth.

It's really not necessary to "talk down" to people to get a point across, Stilly, nor does it do you any favours. I am not your student, nor will I ever be. I don't know that anyone else here is either.

I am not paying big bucks to hear your opinions and/or "learn" about your points of view.   Nor am I employing you to "grade" my writing, my spelling, my feelings, my thoughts, my experiences, my friends, my community or my opinions.

You have never met me. You know next to nothing about me except for the posts you've read here on the 'Cat over the last year or so. And still, you seem to think you can "measure" me! With what?!?

Your Qulitty? (sorry, just kidding ;-)

You cannot "measure" me, now or ever Stilly! You don't have the proper "measuring stick". You never will. No one can see into the heart or mind of another. And even if they could, they still don't have the right to judge anything they might "perceive" about another's heart or mind.

The level of your current spiritual understanding reveals itself in the fact that you still appear to suffer greatly from the delusion that you somehow have the ability - even the right! - to measure or judge me. Or anybody else.

Guess what --- YOU DON'T! And neither does any other human being.

So if you'd like perfect strangers like myself to be more open to listening to anything you have to say, to respect your opinions, or even to feel a bit curious or kindly disposed toward the people in your pics (who are not, after all, Abraham Lincoln or Shania Twain - no disrespect intended), then perhaps a major change in your "bedside manner" here on the Cat is indicated.


PS   I thought Stephen Foster wrote a song about the "Stilly Night" too. Gonna look that one up right now.