The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72561   Message #1250971
Posted By: GUEST,chuck hemrick
18-Aug-04 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Great Pizza Shortage
Subject: BS: The Great Pizza Shortage
On my way back from the town this morning I stopped for gas in a Mini-Mart. After gassing up, I hoped to get a slice of fresh baked pizza as well. They buy pre-baked pizzas and heat them in a finishing oven. They aren't great, but not bad for the price.
When I went inside, however, there were no pizza's prepared. I asked the clerk, a new employee who does not know me, why there wasn't any pizza. He told me that the manager said he has not been able to get any for the past three weeks.
I replied, "Ah yes, the pizza shortage! That's President Bush's fault. He allowed Haliburton to buy all the pre-baked pizzas in the country to send to their employees overseas."
The clerk rolled his eyes and said, "You liberals get weirder and wierder by the day." Happy that he stood his ground, I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was pulling his chain. I paid for the gas and left, as he walked to the window to get a closer look at what I was driving.
I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind when he read the Viet Nam Veterans Against John Kerry bumper sticker on the back of my truck.