The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20785   Message #1251079
Posted By: FriendOfFrancis
19-Aug-04 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: The gun debate. IN SONG.
Subject: RE: The gun debate. IN SONG.
Be the first one on your block
    To get your kid sent home in a box.

          My dad is a hard-core right-wing Republican NRA Lifetime Member. We don't see eye to eye on much. My opinion is that when the above lyric was written, the problem of seeing people get blown away in cold blood was from 'the enemy' in a war, or at least in the poorest and most desperate of ghettoes somewhere. Nowadays, the threat is as real and immediate in my little tiny suburban enclave as it is in any war zone.

The answer is education and giving our future generations the chance to learn to be something besides angry and frustrated.

So here's my verse, bad as it may be:

I hear the talk from everyone
About the subject of the gun.
Some say they're meant for every hand,
Some say they're poison in the land.
I say it's nothing but a tool;
Unless the shooter is a fool.
Give the lawless ones a job
So they can work instead of rob
so they can help feed starving kids
instead of closing coffin lids.
If folks learn truth instead of crud,
they won't resort to shedding blood.

    I am no poet, and this topic is definitely not my forte, but I tried.
