The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72590   Message #1251580
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
19-Aug-04 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can You Say Acrimony?
Subject: BS: Can You Say Acrimony?
Discussions rage, insults fly and acrimony reigns supreme. All this, when endless arguments arise about religion/faith/spirituality. Everyone is anxious to say what they think. If everyone talked and nobody listened, would it be a conversation? For whatever part I've played in all of this, I offer my regrets.

To all my friends in here whatever flavor they may be, from Art Thieme and Bill D to Bobert and Khandu, (and even you, Martin Gibson)peas be with you. I think I'll stick to music and other bs. I'd rather have a discussion than a dissing match..
