The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72600   Message #1252173
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
20-Aug-04 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: What to do about obnoxious MC members?
Subject: RE: BS: What to do about obnoxious MC members?
One thing I don't understand is why GUEST, Treehouse, who appears to be a member based on his/her familiarity with the goings-on around here, is posting anomymously. The only posts I can find for anyone named Treehouse are the ones on this thread. If I were inclined to start a thread on this tempest-in-a-teapot topic I would be absolutely certain to do it under my own name. Treehouse obviously holds strong opinions on the matter, so what's wrong with having those opinions associated with a name we recognize?   

And, Amos, my dear friend, I'm sorry, but I don't see much difference between the inanity of many of the silly threads being talked about here and the brand of silliness we get into over on "The Mother of All BS Threads". Is it just that having several "Is _______ Shite?" threads going at the same time is excessive? Perhaps, in the same fashion in which the Horse Punchers have been asked to only start one thread a month, the shite-heads could start something like "It's August! Are these things shite?"